When you are mothers-to-be and you are interested in the thought: eating lettuce during pregnancy. You will find a lot of helpful info on that topic, as well as tips, suggestions, thoughts, and answers to questions about carrying a child, right nutrition and eating plans.

Reviewed and approved by doctor Nelton Ramos on April 05, 2019.

eating lettuce during pregnancy Last update: April 05, 2019

It is not advisable to eat only one food group, whether you are pregnant or not. Every human being needs a varied and balanced diet to be healthy. Therefore, eating salads exclusively during pregnancy can have serious health consequences.

A salad can be a good complement to a meal or a light meal throughout the day. However, cannot be the only source of food for a woman, much less if she is pregnant; since she will not be providing her body or the baby with all the nutrients that she needs to develop healthily.

Risks of eating salads during pregnancy

During pregnancy, more attention is often paid to eating. Still, there are mothers who either stop consuming certain foods or focus on only one group, for no medical reason. In reality, they focus on not gaining weight or maintaining their figure – as much as they can – so as not to look very different from when they weren’t pregnant.

eating lettuce during pregnancy guide Although it is valid, up to a point, to take care of yourself to show off an attractive figure, it is not correct to be guided only by this when it comes to staying healthy and within a suitable body mass index. Much less in a pregnancy, when there is not only one organism that needs nutrients, but two.

Nutritional deficit is one of the main causes of malformations and other problems in the fetus. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a balanced diet during pregnancy, as directed by the doctor.

In addition to the nutritional deficit, eating salads during pregnancy without properly washing vegetables (and fruits, if applicable) constitutes a risk factor when it comes to contracting bacterial diseases, among other agents. Also the lack of cooking of certain foods, in certain preparations can cause health problems.

Below we will discuss some of the main diseases caused by poor food hygiene.


This is a poisoning that was thought to be acquired only by consuming eggs, dairy, or meat; However, it was discovered that people can also be spread through fruits and vegetables. Therefore, they recommend washing them before consuming them. This disease has symptoms such as fever and gastroenteritis.

Escherichia coli

This bacteria can be very harmful during pregnancy. It begins by staying in the mucosa of the intestine, and then causes diarrhea to cystitis, among other infections. A person can be infected if he does not wash vegetables correctly.


This disease can be spread from raw eggs as well as raw or undercooked meat. There is also the risk of having toxoplasmosis if during pregnancy the woman consumes vegetables that have not been washed correctly . Its main symptoms are headache, fever, and muscle aches.


This parasitic condition can be spread through the consumption of undercooked or poorly washed food . The first symptoms that appear when contracting this disease are nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, but it varies depending on the location of the parasite. It can be treated, but should be consulted with your GP.

“It is better to avoid preparing salads with smoked fish, because the preparation of this type of food can bring the Anisakis parasite”.

Prevention measures

As we have mentioned previously, one of the main ways to avoid any illness when consuming salads, is to properly wash the vegetables that are going to be used. It does not matter if the packaging indicates that they were previously washed, it is best to do it the same way.

These are some other measures that should be taken into account when eating salads during pregnancy:

  • When integrating any type of sauce to the salad, it is important to use those that are industrial . After this, it must immediately be refrigerated so that it does not damage.
  • As an important point to note, it is essential to avoid eating salads that are not homemade during pregnancy; in a local or restaurant, it cannot be guaranteed that fruits and vegetables are washed correctly.
  • It is vital to use safe foods during pregnancy . Here the sausages, raw meat, raw fish and smoked meats stand out.
  • Again, it is important to remember that the foods that are going to be used to compose the salad must be perfectly washed , both for the health of the mother and that of the baby. In supermarkets you can find a special bleach for food.

Fruits to avoid in pregnancy

In addition to vegetable salads, fruit salads are also often prepared during pregnancy to maintain a healthy diet. Generally this is a good thing, but not quite; some fruits can be harmful during the gestation process . These are some:

  • Non-organic fruits: Although there is not much information about the damage caused by non-organic fruits, it is known that the fruits with the highest amount of pesticides are peaches, strawberries, apples , blueberries, nectarines, cherries, grapes and pears.
  • Unpasteurized juices: Fruit drinks that are not pasteurized can bring with them illnesses such as salmonella, cryptosporidium and E. coli.
  • Acidic fruit: Although these types of fruits do not represent a serious danger for pregnant women, they can increase the symptoms of heartburn or reflux. Therefore, they recommend avoiding them if you suffer from these diseases.

Salads during pregnancy are foods that can be very beneficial for the body, as long as they are consumed within a balanced diet. The important thing is to take health into account and avoid consuming foods that are not optimal or have not been washed correctly. Remember that this not only affects the health of the mother, but also that of the baby.

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Stephany Bennett

Dr. Stephany Bennett is a registered nutritionist with an MD from the University of Pittsburgh. She uses her research background to provide evidence-based advice on diet for pregnant women. She is a firm believer that nutritional science is an ever-changing field, so her pregnancy diet recommendations combine classic methods with the latest findings.

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