If you are currently pregnant and you are interested in the question: eggplant during pregnancy. You will find many important facts on this kind of topic, as well as tips, suggestions, thoughts, and answers to questions in relation to having a baby, suitable nutrition and diet habits.

Eggplant is called the king of vegetables. Also known as brinjal, eggplant, garden egg, melon, or guinea squash, aubergine is rich in dietary fiber and low in calories.

eggplant during pregnancy But there is a mixed opinion about its consumption during pregnancy. While some people say it is safe, others say it is harmful for pregnant women. In this post, MomJunction tells you if brinjal is safe to eat during pregnancy, its benefits and side effects.

Can you eat Brinjal during pregnancy?

Brinjal or eggplant is safe to eat during pregnancy, but in moderate amounts. It contains fiber, folic acid, and potassium that are beneficial for fetal development (1). But you should avoid taking it frequently since it is a food that produces heat, triggers allergies and may not be safe if you eat it in excess (2).

Nutritional profile of eggplant

Eggplant is low in saturated fat and cholesterol. It is a rich source of dietary fiber, vitamin K, thiamine, folic acid, pyridoxine, potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium.

According to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), approximately 100 g of eggplant contains 3 g of dietary fiber, 229 mg of potassium, 14 mg of magnesium and 24 mg of phosphorus.

eggplant during pregnancy guide The vitamin composition is around 0.039 mg of thiamine, 0.084 of pyridoxine, 22 mcg of folate and 3.5 mcg of vitamin K (3).

How Eggplant Could Be Beneficial During Pregnancy

Eggplant is nutritious and may provide the following health benefits.

  1. Prevent birth defects: Folate is important for the development of the brain and cognitive abilities in the baby. It reduces the risk of neural tube defects and helps in the development of red blood cells (4).
  1. Regulates gestational diabetes: Eggplant controls the rise in sugar levels and therefore keeps your blood sugar levels in check when you have gestational diabetes (5). < / li>
  1. Supports digestion: The dietary fiber in eggplant (6) helps relieve constipation and improves the absorption of nutrients (7). It also reduces the risk of hemorrhoids or irritable bowel syndrome.
  1. Protects cells from damage: Eggplant skin contains an anthocyanin known as nasunin. The antioxidant protects the body’s cells from free radical damage. It also prevents the accumulation of excess iron, which is associated with an increased likelihood of heart disease and cancers (8) (9).
  1. Lowers Bad Cholesterol Levels: It is believed to lower harmful cholesterol levels and increase good cholesterol levels in your blood, helping you have a healthy heart (10).
  1. Control hypertension: If you have hypertension during pregnancy, eggplant can help (11). The bioflavonoids present in eggplant lower blood pressure, promote good heart health, and may prevent the risk of health complications during pregnancy (12).

Despite its benefits, sometimes eggplant may not be the best vegetable to have during pregnancy. Let’s see why.

(Read: Benefits of okra during pregnancy )

Reasons to avoid Brinjal during pregnancy

Ayurvedic practitioners believe that you should avoid eggplant in excessive amounts as it could have some side effects. However, there are no research studies for most of the claims below.

  • Eggplant contains phytohormones that have menstrual-stimulating properties. Eating brinjal in excessive amounts is believed to induce labor.
  • In areas where eggplants are grown, the soil contains toxoplasmosis that could be passed to the pregnant woman and her baby through vegetables. Toxoplasmosis may increase the risk of preterm labor.
  • It can also trigger allergic reactions, such as itchy lips, arms and legs, diarrhea, hives, stomach pain and cough.
  • Raw or undercooked brinjal can cause digestive problems and allergies (13).

Brinjals are best and tastiest when cooked and eaten fresh. There are a few more things to keep in mind when choosing vegetables.

Things to consider when choosing eggplant

Choose fresh aubergines as stale ones can ruin your meal.

  • Take the small aubergine as they are tastier and fresher. Ripe ones turn bitter.
  • The skin should be smooth and shiny.
  • Avoid those with cuts, blemishes, wrinkles, wrinkles, or uneven colors.
  • When you press the vegetable, if depression forms, it means that the eggplant is not fresh.
  • The stem should be bright green and firm.
  • Wash them thoroughly before cooking to avoid bacteria or parasites that may reside on the surface.
  • Cook vegetables well, as undercooked brinjal could cause digestive problems.

Eggplant is a vegetable that can be cooked in multiple ways.

Ways to include eggplants in your pregnancy diet

When the eggplant is cooked properly, it could be really tasty. You can add it to your diet in many ways.

  • Fill brinjal with your favorite puree to make a curry and eat with rice.
  • Stir-fry along with other vegetables.
  • Cook as a filling for a sandwich.
  • Grill, peel and serve over pasta or bread.
  • Bake and serve with other vegetables.
  • Make pickles or add to soups.

(Read: Eat cabbage during pregnancy )

Fresh and tender brinjals are deliciously tasty and can be cooked in a variety of ways. Medical experts do not suggest that you avoid the vegetable during pregnancy, but it is good to eat it in moderate amounts to avoid any adverse effects.

Do you like to eat aubergines? Leave your opinion in the comments section below.


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Stephany Bennett

Dr. Stephany Bennett is a registered nutritionist with an MD from the University of Pittsburgh. She uses her research background to provide evidence-based advice on diet for pregnant women. She is a firm believer that nutritional science is an ever-changing field, so her pregnancy diet recommendations combine classic methods with the latest findings.

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