Table of contents

For anyone who is currently pregnant and you actually are interested in the thought: liquid diet third trimester. You will see numerous valuable details on this kind of topic, as well as tips, advice, ideas, and answers to questions related to being pregnant, appropriate nutrition and diet programs.

During pregnancy, a series of changes will take place in different systems that will be destined to carry out an adequate pregnancy at term and preparation for breastfeeding: hormonal changes, increased volemia (blood volume increases up to 50% with the consequent hemodilution of various nutrients, decrease in blood pressure although curiously at the end of pregnancy it increases, increase in heart rate due to increased work on the part of the heart) , kidney changes (the higher the blood volume, the greater the glomerular filtration, despite this there is fluid retention typical of pregnancy, swollen ankles, edema …), digestive changes ( nausea and vomiting in the 1st trimester, increased appetite in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, decreased intestinal peristalsis with the consequent constipation , this has an explanation, increase the time the nutrients stay in the intestine thus increasing their absorption, po r last burning due to sphincter relaxation) and weight gain.

liquid diet third trimester With regard to weight gain, how much should one gain in pregnancy? This is based on the mother’s initial weight: in case of underweight (BMI & lt; 19.5) between 12-15 kg , normal weight (BMI 19.5-25) between 9-12 kg and overweight (BMI> 25) between 6-9 kg. We must bear in mind how important is the total amount to gain weight as the proportion in which it should be done throughout the pregnancy: the first three months the common between 1-4 kg (you can even not gain weight or lose weight), in the 2nd and 3rd trimester will also depend on the initial weight, normal weight 0.5 kg / week, underweight 0.8 kg / week, overweight 0.3 kg / week.

Feeding guide during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a situation of physiological nutritional interest where there is a generalized increased nutritional demand for practically all nutrients (although lactation will be the period in the reproductive life of women with maximum demands, including greater than in pregnancy). Despite this, with a well-planned diet, putting into practice the recommendations cited below, such demands can be met except for some of them whose requirements are so high that supplementation will be necessary. Among them The following are relevant: ENERGY, PROTEINS and especially micronutrients, vitamins and minerals, of which we will highlight CALCIUM, IRON, ZINC, IODINE AND FOLIC ACID . They are so in demand that the diet alone will not be able to provide such amounts and must be supplemented.

The following table shows the food recommendations that must be followed to ensure an adequate supply of all nutrients:

Food sources Servings


  • Meat and egg
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Fruits, vegetables and vegetables
  • Nuts

Preventive nutritional supplementation

liquid diet third trimester guide When the dietary advice is not enough to cover the recommendations, it may be necessary to resort to supplementation, such is the case of iron, folic acid, zinc and iodine. Despite this, instruction should be given in terms of their food sources as well as strategies to get the most out of them. Supplementation should be recommended separately because: calcium interferes with the absorption of iron and zinc, and iron interferes with zinc.

1) IRON : to increase iron intake, meat, fish and eggs should be included in the diet. It is also abundant in plant tissue and should enhance the Intake of legumes, spinach and whole grains . As important as meeting the requirement is to achieve maximum absorption (bioavailability), for this, it is necessary to know that in food there are nutrients that act as powerful inhibitors preventing iron from being absorbed (calcium, tea, coffee, wine) and others that favor its absorption acting as activators (vitamin C). Therefore the recommendation is obvious, to distance from the main meals where we have included the source of iron (meat, fish …) dairy, coffee, tea or wine and include in them foods rich in vitamin C: Guava, parsley, red pepper, brussels sprout, green pepper, broccoli, papaya, kiwi, cauliflower, red cabbage, strawberry / strawberry, lemon, orange. An important point, of the meat, the organ meats (liver, blood sausage ..) present maximum iron content Why not recommend it? In fact, it also has large amounts of folic … in no case due to its HIGH VITAMIN A CONTENT (it will be seen later ).

2) FOLIC ACID: is the most demanded vitamin, in fact it is the only nutrient more required in pregnancy than in lactation, this is due to its involvement in the correct formation of neural tube of the fetus , it develops in the 1st month of gestation, which means that the demand for folic acid is greater at the beginning of pregnancy . Folates are very abundant in foods of plant origin, exceptionally large amounts are found in the liver. Of the vegetable foods we would highlight the banana, chickpeas, hazelnuts … Folic is extremely sensitive to light, heat, it is water soluble (it goes in the boiling water) … therefore, it is destroyed in cooking up to 90%. Therefore, the consumption of fruit and especially raw vegetables should be recommended. A good strategy is to turn to fortified foods. These recommendations are more important in women who have decreased folic absorption due to certain drugs (antiepileptic drugs, oral contraceptives, antacids, some antibiotics, cholestyramine, sulfasalazine), tobacco, alcohol or drug use.

3) ZINC: Zinc deficiency can be disastrous in the 1st trimentre, responsible for congenital malformations , in the 3rd trimester responsible for problems in childbirth as well as low weight at birth, hence the importance of supplementing, because as already mentioned, the diet alone will hardly cover the amount needed.

4) IODINE: this mineral is essential for the formation of thyroid hormones, which in turn are responsible for a adequate and complete development of the CNS (central nervous system) during pregnancy. of the fetus . For this reason, the iodine requirements increase considerably and must be supplemented. In the most severe cases (extreme deficiency), severe mental retardation, dwarfism, deafness occur. In milder cases, children have lower IQs.

5) VITAMIN C : supplementation is only necessary in certain cases such as a woman who is a drinker, smoker or treated with oral contraceptives as they have low reserves of this vitamin.

6) VITAMIN A : not only should it not be supplemented, in fact, the requirements do not increase , being the same as for fertile adult women (800 microg / day). Excess of this vitamin can have serious consequences such as congenital malformations (alterations in the growth and development of the fetus). For this reason we must know its food sources and moderate them, it is a fat-soluble vitamin present in animal fat, its main sources are: dairy, egg yolk and organ meats. Hence the importance of resorting to skimming, moderating the egg by enhancing the white and avoiding the viscera (liver …).

General recommendations during pregnancy

1-To prevent frequent nausea and vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy, it is advisable to eat frequent and infrequent meals, avoiding foods rich in fats and spices. To control the feeling of morning nausea, it is advisable to eat some food before getting out of bed such as cookies, toast or cereals, avoid drinking water on an empty stomach, acidic fruit juices and moderate the consumption of tea and coffee.

2-To avoid heartburn or heartburn , it is advisable to eat slowly, with a small amount of food and without an excessive amount of fat. It is recommended to drink liquids preferably between main meals than during them. Likewise, the horizontal position should be avoided for 1-2 h after meals. It is advisable not to wear tight clothing.

3- Physiological edema (fluid retention) are quite frequent in the third trimester of pregnancy. Narrow shoes, girdles, garters, sock rubbers should be avoided. You should walk and / or keep your legs up to improve lymphatic drainage and venous return. Excess sodium should be avoided but aggressive restriction of it is not advised as it actually increases its demand as well. The ideal is between 2 and 5 g of Na / day.

4- moderate caffeine consumption (coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks) as it increases the risk of miscarriage (2-3 cups / day).

5- Avoid completely alcohol and nicotine .

6-Drink plenty of water.

Typical menus for pregnant women based on her energy requirements :

Standard menu that provides 2200 kcal: Standard menu that provides 2600 kcal:

-A cup of semi-skimmed milk (200 ml)

-A serving of breakfast cereals (30 g)

-A cup of semi-skimmed milk (200 ml)

-A serving of breakfast cereals (30 g)

-A glass of natural orange juice (150 ml)

-A teaspoon of sugar (10 g)

-Three slices of bread (60 g)

-A cut of fresh cheese (60 g)

-An apple (200 g)

-Two skimmed yogurts (250 ml)

-A banana (125 g)

-A plate of espaquetis (75 g) with garlic and parsley

-Grilled chicken (120 g) with lettuce salad (60 g), tomato (120 g), onion and carrot (80 g)

-One orange (200 g)

-Two tablespoons of olive oil (20 g)

-Chickpea salad (90 g of lettuce, 25 g of onion, 50 g of cucumber and 90 g of cooked chickpeas)

-120 g of sole en papillote with tomato (60 g)

-Two medium tangerines (200 g)

-Three slices of white bread (60 g)

-Two tablespoons of olive oil (20 g)

-A glass of semi-skimmed milk (200 g)

& # 8211; Three slices of bread (60 g) with tomato

-A cut of fresh cheese (60 g)

& # 8211; Boiled potato (200 g)

-Boiled green beans (200 g)

-Grilled hake (130 g)

-Natural skimmed yogurt (125 g)

-A teaspoon of sugar (10 g)

& # 8211; Sautéed white rice (80 g raw)

-Veal tenderloin (150 g) with roast beef or ratatouille (70 g of aubergine and 70 g of pepper)

-Three slices of bread (60 g)

-Two tablespoons of olive oil (20 g)

Cholesterol: 157.9 mg

Folates: 555.4 microg

Composition of a typical one-day menu that provides 2600 kcal:

Hopefully you have obtained all the details concerning: liquid diet third trimester. Keep your reviews and discuss your perception and opinions related to: liquid diet third trimester. We are always ready to answer all your questions regarding being pregnant, healthy and balanced eating in addition to dieting. Stay with us!

Stephany Bennett

Dr. Stephany Bennett is a registered nutritionist with an MD from the University of Pittsburgh. She uses her research background to provide evidence-based advice on diet for pregnant women. She is a firm believer that nutritional science is an ever-changing field, so her pregnancy diet recommendations combine classic methods with the latest findings.

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