If you are mothers-to-be and you actually are tempted by the question: nuts in first trimester. You can find many important material on this topic, as well as tips, guidance, experiences, and answers for you to questions regarding maternity, correct nutrition and diets.
Third trimester of pregnancy: you are in the last weeks of gestation and your diet should provide you with 2,750 calories a day to ensure proper development of the baby. “They increase around 350 kcal per day, according to the woman, growth rate and fetal development,” says Marta González Caballero, nutritionist and author of the book “Manual of Feeding in Pregnancy” . p>
Omega 3 fatty acids, basic
At this stage, the fetal brain undergoes significant development. The cerebral cortex is increased and the connections between brain cells also increase. At the same time, the nerves are coated with myelin , a substance that allows signals to be transmitted more quickly. That is why now it is important that you include foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids in your diet.
“A balanced diet covers the 2-2.5 grams daily necessary of omega 3 fatty acids, which provide clear benefits on the mother: they exert an important cardioprotective effect by controlling hypertension linked to pregnancy, reducing triglycerides in the blood and avoiding cerebral obstruction and thrombosis. Also on the baby, since they actively intervene in the development of his brain , favor the proper development of his nervous system and ensure the proper functioning of his retina ”, says Marta González Caballero.
Foods rich in these fatty acids are fish, especially blue ones, such as anchovies and sardines , and walnuts and pumpkin seeds . But you must bear in mind that during pregnancy it is not advisable to eat large fish such as emperor, swordfish, and bluefin tuna due to their high mercury content.
Iodine, vital for brain development
In brain development, in addition to omega 3, iodine is also involved. Now the requirements of this mineral are especially high and that is why gynecologists recommend pharmacological supplements. If there is a iodine deficit in the third trimester of pregnancy and in lactation, the correct brain development of the baby does not occur . Do not forget the iodized salt , although you will have to be careful when salting foods to avoid the swelling so characteristic of this stage of pregnancy.
Calcium, increases consumption
Now you should also increase the intake of calcium . During the third trimester, the baby retains 200-250 mg per day of calcium, since that is when it has place the maximum growth and bone development. Calcium requirements for non-pregnant women are around 900 milligrams per day. The pregnant woman requires 1,200 milligrams approximately, even reaching amounts between 1,600 and 2,000 milligrams daily in pregnant twins.
To avoid deficits it is recommended to increase 400 milligrams a day by means of “an additional contribution of dairy products or medicated calcium to avoid the weakening of your teeth and bones and reduce the risk of possible fractures”, points out the nutritionist. Foods rich in calcium are dairy products , broccoli or cauliflower .
Vitamin D and sunlight
But in addition to eating foods rich in calcium, you must facilitate its absorption with vitamin D , present in egg yolk or cheese. This vitamin can be formed in the body from cholesterol. The transformation process takes place under the skin, where, by the action of the sun’s rays, cholesterol is transformed into cholecalceferol, the active form of vitamin D. You do not need to spend a lot of time in the sun, just a few minutes each day to the body makes enough vitamin D.
How to relieve discomfort with diet
Improve edema
Swelling of the legs, ankles and hands due to fluid retention is common. “It is common for pregnant women to retain fluids during pregnancy as a result of hormonal changes – a total of between three and four liters of water after nine months – especially during the last trimester and the first days after delivery. This increase in the volume of water favors exchanges between the mother and her baby through the placenta ”, says Marta González Caballero. To prevent or alleviate this swelling, you should reduce very salty foods and add salt and drink enough water. Fluids will help the excretory system get rid of waste products and excess fluid.
Do not take diuretics on your own
There are foods that are diuretics natural, such as artichoke or pineapple . But you should avoid packet soups, canned foods, carbonated drinks or sauces, and convenience foods, as they contain very high levels of sodium. “In no case should the pregnant woman take diuretics on her own initiative without consulting her gynecologist since these can cause demineralization,” adds the nutritionist.
Prevent annoying cramps
Also in the third trimester of pregnancy, cramps are frequent. These may be due to a deficiency of calcium and magnesium, present in nuts, green leafy vegetables , apple , banana and grapefruit . Therefore, take these food groups every day (a banana a day, for example) so as not to wake up with cramps in the middle of the night.
We hope you have achieved all the details about: nuts in first trimester. Leave your comments and talk about your perception and views regarding: nuts in first trimester. We are constantly ready to answer all your questions in relation to carrying a child, healthy eating as well as diets. Stay with us!