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If you are pregnant and you actually are interested in the thought: pepper during pregnancy first trimester. You will find numerous important facts on this topic, as well as tips, assistance, opinions, and answers to help questions related to pregnancy, appropriate nutrition and diet plans.

Could a gesture as common as spicing up food pose a risk to a pregnant woman? We are not surprised that you ask yourself that question, it is impossible to filter the amount of information about care during this stage that reaches you through different means. Trying as always to be calm, we will tell you about the forbidden spices in pregnancy .

pepper during pregnancy first trimester

Cooking with spices in pregnancy and completing your diet in pregnancy can be very beneficial, however, there are some spices and seasonings in pregnancy that They cannot be consumed due to the effects they can produce.

To focus well on the topic at hand, that of spices prohibited for pregnant women , it is convenient to know exactly what we mean when we talk about spices, distinguishing them from other products that we use in the kitchen and with those that have in common that they come from plants.

Spices are the dried extracts, roots and seeds, while fresh leaves and flowers are what we would call herbs. In a correct pregnancy diet care must be taken with both.

List of prohibited spices for pregnant women

pepper during pregnancy first trimester guide One of the first things to keep in mind with spices, unlike other foods prohibited in pregnancy, is that they are used in minimal amounts, which greatly reduces the risk of harm to mother or baby.

Most of the spices that are prohibited during pregnancy are because they can cause bleeding, contractions and even have abortifacient properties.

The exception to spices is ginger, which can be used in the management of nausea and vomiting typical of this stage , and for which there is evidence that it is safe and useful. However, it should not be abused as almost nothing in the diet.

These are some of the ones you should avoid:

  • Cinnamon : in reasonable doses it can have benefits (glycemic control, digestive control and blood pressure). However, at high doses the risks associated with coumarin may appear. This substance can cause fetal bone disorders and increases the risk of miscarriage. Taking cinnamon in large amounts or supplements can cause contractions and miscarriages.
  • Rosemary : Rosemary should not be used during pregnancy, since there is the possibility that it may induce spontaneous abortion due to its possible estrogenic effect. It should also not be used during lactation.
  • Wormwood: reduces blood circulation in the uterus and is antispasmotic.
  • Licorice : A study maintains that glycyrrhizin, a natural sweetener found in licorice, can negatively affect fetal development in the long term. Pregnant women should avoid consuming large amounts of licorice.
  • Nutmeg : contains myristicin, a principle that can harm the fetus.
  • Saffron : its emmenagogues could interrupt an early pregnancy. If taken in high doses it can interfere with blood clotting, causing digestive and urinary bleeding.
  • Oregano : Oregano is possibly not safe, when taken orally in medicinal amounts during pregnancy. There is a concern that ingesting oregano in amounts greater than the amounts found in food could lead to miscarriage.

In addition, all hot spices (cayenne, pepper and the like) are not prohibited foods in pregnancy but it is not advisable to eat too much spicy in pregnancy, because they can cause heartburn during pregnancy. pregnancy and make digestion difficult.

Herbs and spices prohibited in pregnancy

Eating during pregnancy is one of the assets that play in your favor, to have a good term pregnancy.
However, just as we have warned before about the forbidden spices for pregnant women, something similar happens with herbs.

The infusions that many of us are used to may not be as beneficial at this time. This is the case of chamomile in large doses since it is a uterine tonic or mint, which should be avoided in pregnancy and lactation since it cuts milk.

But the herbs and spices forbidden in pregnancy are more:

They can cause harm to the fetus:

  • Belladonna: Belladonna IS LIKELY UNSAFE when taken by mouth during pregnancy. Belladonna contains potentially toxic chemicals and its use has been linked to reports of serious side effects.Belladonna IS LIKELY UNSAFE while breastfeeding. It can decrease milk production and also pass into breast milk.5
  • Honeysuckle: not recommended due to its possible toxicity due to the presence of saponins.

They can be abortive:

  • The use of juniper is contraindicated in pregnant women, since an abortion is highly possible, due to its stimulating action on the womb and the muscle spasms that it causes.

And they should be consumed with caution:

  • Evening primrose: Omega 6 fatty acids ARE LIKELY SAFE when consumed as part of a diet in amounts between 5 and 10% of daily calories. Higher intakes are POSSIBLY UNSAFE because they could increase the risk of having very young babies or having eczema. There is not enough reliable information on whether omega 6 fatty acid supplementation is safe during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Be cautious and avoid its use6.
  • Seaweed as it contains too much iodine.
  • All kinds of tea due to its high theine content.
  • Other plants with which caution is recommended are: ginseng, yarrow, mistletoe, pennyroyal or pennyroyal and rhubarb, hibiscus.

In general, you have to think that plants have medicinal effects or in the spices that you should avoid in pregnancy , very positive at other times, but that they should not be part of the diet in pregnancy . As with pharmaceutical medication, it should be your doctor who tells you what to take and what to avoid. Some of these are more dangerous at one stage of pregnancy and harmless at another.

Anyway, remember that the forbidden spices in pregnancy are closely related to the amount and frequency with which you use them. A little pepper according to which foods will not put you at risk.

Hopefully you have received every piece of information about: pepper during pregnancy first trimester. Keep your reviews and share your impressions and views concerning: pepper during pregnancy first trimester. We are often ready to answer all your questions with regards to having a baby, balanced eating and also diets. Stay with us!

Stephany Bennett

Dr. Stephany Bennett is a registered nutritionist with an MD from the University of Pittsburgh. She uses her research background to provide evidence-based advice on diet for pregnant women. She is a firm believer that nutritional science is an ever-changing field, so her pregnancy diet recommendations combine classic methods with the latest findings.

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