If you’re mothers-to-be and you actually are interested in the question: walnut during pregnancy second trimester. You can find numerous helpful information and facts on that topic, as well as tips, guidance, experiences, and answers for you to questions related to pregnant state, correct nutrition and diet programs.

The second trimester of pregnancy is usually the best for the pregnant woman. gestation has already settled, probably the nausea and vomiting have improved and your gut is growing slowly. Even so, the normal development of pregnancy itself may cause some discomfort that we collect on this page.

Normal pregnancy

Fetal movements

walnut during pregnancy second trimester Between weeks 20 and 22, the movement of the fetus begins to be felt. The fetus makes flexion and extension movements of the extremities of its body and this can cause pain in certain parts of the abdomen. In thin women, with little fat (fat pad) in the abdominal wall, these movements will be more noticeable. [Read more]

Night cramps

They are involuntary and painful contractions that mainly affect the calves and the fibula muscles. They appear from the second half of pregnancy and more often at night. They start at the calf and radiate down to the sole and toes. [Read more]


Its appearance or worsening during pregnancy is related to the increased pressure in the rectal veins, caused by the compression of the uterus on the venous return and the decrease in the tone of the venous wall due to the increase in progesterone. Hemorrhoids are also aggravated by the constipation characteristic of pregnancy. [Read more]


Gas is very annoying and sometimes very painful symptoms. They are due to compression by the uterus of the intestinal loops. In addition, the uterus, as it grows, moves the intestine upwards and to the sides, which, accompanied by the compression it exerts, favors the appearance of gases. [Read more]

Heartburn or heartburn

walnut during pregnancy second trimester guide It appears from the second trimester of pregnancy and is acidity at the level of the esophagus (behind the sternum) that sometimes rises to the throat. This heartburn can cause discomfort and even pain in many pregnant women, waking them up at night. Heartburn is due to the reflux of food from the stomach into the esophagus. [Read more]

Troubled pregnancy


It is the appearance of fungi (the most common are “candid”) in the vagina. The fungi that most frequently cause infection are Candida albicans, which is why these infections are called “candidiasis.” This infection is accompanied by an abundant and thick discharge like “cut yogurt”, itching, burning and in many cases pain and bleeding. [Read more]

Acute cystitis

UTI is the most common complication of pregnancy. 2% of pregnant women suffer from cystitis or bladder infection. It is characterized by pain above the pubis (suprapubic), painful urination (dysuria), and increased frequency of urination. [Read more]

Kidney colic

It is characterized by the sudden onset of pain on one side of the abdomen or lumbar region, which produces intermittent burning or stinging sensations because it appears and disappears spontaneously. It usually radiates to the genitals and lower back. [Read more]

Incarcerated uterus

It is a rare entity in which the uterus becomes incarcerated or remains occluded in the orifice of the sacrum during the second trimester of gestation when it is flexed backwards (in retroversion), going from being a pelvic organ to being abdominal . [Read more]

Leiomyomatous degeneration

It is the degeneration or necrosis of an existing uterine fibroid. In pregnancy, fibroids increase in size and more hemorrhagic infarcts occur within them. It presents as diffuse and sometimes severe abdominal pain. [Read more]

Torsion of adnexal masses

The ovaries and tubes are called “appendages”. These adnexa can be twisted and very painful. They are generally due to the torsion of cysts in the ovaries. [Read more]


The signs of appendicitis in a pregnant woman are diminished and peritoneal irritation is less. However, there is always an increase in white blood cells (leukocytosis) and the so-called “Bryant’s sign” (the pain does not shift to the left when the patient goes from lying on her back to on her side). [Read more]

Biliary colic or acute cholecystitis

The motility of the gallbladder is decreased due to the increase in progesterone and the compression of the uterus, which is why biliary colic is more frequent in pregnant women. The pain begins abruptly in the upper abdomen (epigastrium) and radiates to the right side (right upper quadrant), to the back, and to the scapula.[Read more]

Intestinal obstruction

Chronic abdominal pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bloating, lack of defecation and a relaxed uterus at the time of pain. [Read more]

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Stephany Bennett

Dr. Stephany Bennett is a registered nutritionist with an MD from the University of Pittsburgh. She uses her research background to provide evidence-based advice on diet for pregnant women. She is a firm believer that nutritional science is an ever-changing field, so her pregnancy diet recommendations combine classic methods with the latest findings.

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