When you are currently pregnant and you actually are interested in the question: mulberry during pregnancy. You will see a lot of valuable material on this specific topic, as well as tips, assistance, experiences, and answers in order to questions related to having a baby, correct nutrition and diet habits.
Practically from the moment a woman sees the little hairline on the pregnancy test, worries seem to begin. She starts to think about the two cups of coffee she had the day before at work, the glass of wine she drank at dinner last week, the tuna steak that she so enjoyed for lunch two weeks ago. < / P>
Without a doubt, pregnancy can be one of the most exciting and at the same time most worrying times in a woman’s life. Of course, during pregnancy, what a woman does not em> introduce into her body (or what she does not expose him to) can be almost as important as what does em > enter. P>
But worrying about every little thing she comes in contact with will likely make the pregnancy long and stressful. And fretting about the things she did before she knew if she was pregnant or before she found out that they could be dangerous she won’t do you or your baby any good. P>
There are many questions related to what women can and cannot do during pregnancy. But the answers are not always obtained from the most reliable sources, so you could worry unnecessarily. Some caveats are worth listening to; but others are just popular rumors without scientific proof.
Knowing what could really be harmful to your baby and what is not a problem is essential for his mental well-being during these 40 weeks.
The main risks during pregnancy
she will need to pay special attention to a few things during pregnancy; some are more harmful than others. Your doctor or other health care provider will discuss with you what to avoid completely, what to cut back dramatically, and what to carefully consider during pregnancy.
Should I avoid it? Yes! Although it may seem that there is nothing wrong with having a glass of wine with dinner or a little beer with friends, no one knows what is the “safe amount” of alcohol to drink during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome is caused by drinking too much alcohol during pregnancy. How much is harmful and how much is safe is really unknown. Due to this uncertainty, it is always a good idea to take precautions and not drink any alcohol during pregnancy.
What are the risks for my baby? Alcohol is one of the most common causes of physical disability and intellectual or behavioral problems. It can be even more harmful to the developing fetus than heroin, cocaine, or marijuana.
Alcohol is easily passed to the baby, and her body cannot eliminate alcohol like the mother’s. This means that the baby tends to accumulate high concentrations of alcohol, which remain in her body for longer periods of time than in the mother’s body. And moderate alcohol intake, as well as periodic binges, can damage the developing baby’s nervous system.
What can I do about it? If you had a drink or two before you knew you were pregnant (which happens to many women), don’t worry too much. The best thing to do is not to drink alcohol again for the rest of the pregnancy.
If you are an alcoholic or think you may have a drinking problem, talk to your doctor. The doctor must know how much alcohol she has consumed, and at what time during the pregnancy, to get an idea of how it may have affected the baby. The doctor can also tell you how to get the help she needs to stop drinking: for her own good and em> for the good of her baby. P>
Should I avoid it and / or reduce the amount I consume? Yes. It is convenient to reduce or eliminate caffeine consumption. Studies show that consuming more than 200 to 300 milligrams of caffeine per day (2 to 3 cups of coffee, depending on serving size, method of preparation, and brand) can put a pregnancy at risk. Consuming less than that amount is probably safe.
What are the risks to my baby? High caffeine intake has been associated with an increased risk of miscarriage and possibly other pregnancy complications.
What can I do about it? If you have a hard time quitting coffee suddenly, you can start as follows:
Cut back to one or two cups a day.
And remember that caffeine is not only found in coffee. Green and black tea, cola, and other types of soft drinks contain caffeine.Try switching to decaffeinated products (which may have a little caffeine, but in much smaller amounts) or caffeine-free alternatives.
If you’re wondering about chocolate, which also has caffeine, the good news is that you can eat chocolate in moderation. A cup of coffee contains between 95 and 135 milligrams of caffeine, but an average chocolate bar contains between 5 and 30 milligrams. Therefore, it is okay if you consume small amounts of chocolate.
Certain foods
Are there foods I should avoid? Yes. You should try to avoid or limit your exposure to foods that are most likely to be contaminated with bacteria or heavy metals. Those to avoid throughout your pregnancy are as follows:
- unpasteurized soft cheeses (often promoted as “fresh”), such as feta, goat cheese, brie, camembert, blue cheese, and fresh cheese proper
- milk, juices and apple cider that are not pasteurized
- raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, including mousse, tiramisu, cookie dough that is not fully cooked, homemade ice cream, and Caesar salad sauce
- raw or undercooked fish (sushi), seafood or meats raw or undercooked
- pates and other spreads derived from meat
- processed meats, such as hot dogs, deli products (must be well cooked before eating)
Also, while fish and shellfish can be an extremely healthy part of the diet during pregnancy (they contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, are a high source of protein, and are low in saturated fat), you should avoid certain types of fish due to their high mercury content, which can damage the developing baby’s brain.
You should avoid the following fish:
- shark
- swordfish
- carito, peto or sierra
- blanquillo
- tuna steak (you can eat limited amounts of canned tuna, preferably light)
What are the risks to my baby? While it is important to eat plenty of healthy foods during pregnancy, you should also avoid foodborne illnesses such as listeriosis, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella, which are caused by bacteria in certain foods. These infections can be life-threatening to the unborn baby and can lead to birth defects or miscarriages.
What can I do about it? Make sure to thoroughly wash all fruits and vegetables, which may carry bacteria or be coated with pesticide residue. And pay attention to what you buy or what you eat outside the home.
When choosing seafood, eat a variety of fish and shellfish, and limit the amount to about 12 ounces per week; this equates to approximately two meals. Commonly consumed fish and shellfish that are low in mercury include the following: canned light tuna, catfish, pollock, salmon, and shrimp. But since albacore or albacore tuna has more mercury than canned light tuna, you should eat no more than 6 ounces (or one meal) of albacore per week.
During pregnancy, you may need to avoid some foods that you would normally enjoy. But just think how delicious they will be when you can eat them again!
Clean the cat’s litter box
Should I avoid it? Yes! Pregnancy is the best time to refrain from cleaning the cat’s litter box. But that doesn’t mean you should stay away from your beloved pet!
What are the risks for my baby? The excrement in cat boxes can transmit an infection called toxoplasmosis that can cause serious problems in the fetus, including premature delivery, low growth and serious eye and brain injuries. Pregnant women who become infected often do not have any symptoms, but they can pass the infection to the developing baby.
What can I do about it? Have someone else clean the cat litter box and make sure it is done regularly and carefully. When finished, this person should wash their hands well.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
Should I avoid them? Some should be avoided; others do not. There are many medications that you should not take during pregnancy.Be sure to talk with your doctor about which over-the-counter and medications you can and cannot take, even if they don’t seem like they will cause any problems.
What are the risks to my baby? Even medicines that you can buy in stores without a prescription may be contraindicated during pregnancy due to possible effects on the baby. Some prescription drugs can also cause injury to developing babies. (The type of damage and the degree of possible injury to the fetus depend on the type of medicine.)
Additionally, while they may appear harmless, herbal remedies and supplements are not regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. This means that they do not need to comply with safety regulations of any kind and therefore could be harmful to your baby.
What can I do about it? To make sure you don’t take anything that could put your baby at risk, talk to your doctor about the following:
- any medications you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription) and ask which ones you can continue to take during pregnancy
- any concerns you have about natural remedies, supplements, and vitamins
Also, inform all health care providers that you are pregnant so they can take this into account when recommending or prescribing medications for you. If you were prescribed a drug for a disease or condition that you still have before you became pregnant, your doctor can help you evaluate the potential benefits and risks of continuing to take that drug.
If you get sick (for example, with a cold) or if you have symptoms that cause discomfort or pain (such as a headache or back pain), talk to your doctor about medicines that can em> taking and in other ways that can help you feel better without the need for medication.
Also, if you are in the third trimester of pregnancy and are undergoing a surgery or medical procedure that requires the use of general anesthesia, speak with your healthcare professional. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about possible effects on the development of the baby’s brain.
Recreational drugs
Should I avoid them? Yes!
What are the risks to my baby? Pregnant women who use drugs may be putting their babies at risk for the following:
- premature labor
- growth retardation
- congenital deformations
- learning and behavior problems
And their babies could also be born addicted to these drugs.
What can I do about it? If you used drugs at any time during your pregnancy, it is important to tell your doctor. Even after you stop taking them, your unborn baby could be at risk for health problems. If you are still using drugs, talk to your doctor to help you quit. Clinics, such as Planned Parenthood, can also refer you to health care providers who can help you, for free or at a very low cost, to stop using and have a healthy pregnancy.
Should I avoid it? Yes! You would never light a cigarette to put it in your baby’s mouth and encourage him to smoke. As ridiculous as this sounds, pregnant women who continue to smoke are allowing their fetuses to smoke as well. The smoking mother passes nicotine, carbon monoxide, and many other chemicals to the growing baby.
Similarly, you should stay away from people who are smoking, whether they are co-workers, family members, or people in public spaces.
What are the risks for my baby? The problems that can arise if a pregnant woman smokes are the following:
- miscarriage or stillbirth
- premature labor
- low birth weight
- sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
- asthma and other respiratory problems
And risks to the fetus from regular exposure to secondhand smoke include low birth weight and delayed growth.
What can I do about it? If she smokes, having a baby may be the reason she needs to quit. Talk to your doctor about options for quitting.
If you spend time with people who smoke, kindly ask them to do so outside and, if you are also outside, to do so away from you.
Artificial sweeteners (sugar substitutes)
Should I avoid them? Some do not present any problems, but others should be avoided.
Aspartame, sucralose, stevioside, and acesulfame potassium have been found to be safe in moderation during pregnancy. However, you should avoid aspartame if you or your partner have a rare inherited disease called phenylketonuria, in which the body cannot break down phenylalanine, which is a compound found in aspartame. In that case, you should completely avoid consumption as your baby could also be born with this disease.
Experts have not yet determined if it is safe to consume saccharin, present in some foods and sold in small packages, during pregnancy. Saccharin can cross the placenta and remain in the tissue of the fetus. Also, the United States has banned the use of a sweetener called “cyclamate” due to its possible link to cancer.
What are the risks, if any, for my baby? Although some people claim that the artificial sweetener aspartame is linked to diseases and birth defects, government authorities and groups Doctors around the world have evaluated aspartame and approved it as safe for human consumption, including during pregnancy.
Research conducted during the 1970s suggested that saccharin caused bladder cancer in laboratory rats when consumed in large quantities. However, since then, those studies have been frequently questioned. In addition, in 2000, a warning that should be placed on the labels of saccharin products to indicate that they could cause cancer was removed.
What can I do about it? When it comes to aspartame, sucralose, stevioside, and acesulfame K, the key is to consume them in moderation. It’s okay to drink a diet soda or eat sugar-free foods that contain these artificial sweeteners, as long as you do so occasionally. But if you really have a sweet tooth, it’s probably best to eat or drink the food with sugar, as long as you do it in moderation.
If you’ve already consumed something with saccharin during your pregnancy, don’t be obsessed with it. Small amounts are unlikely to harm your baby.
Still, you might want to check product labels and try to avoid (or at least limit) any products with artificial sweeteners (especially saccharin), just to be safe. After all, this is the only time in your life that you have a good reason to avoid diet foods. And the more whole, natural foods you eat during pregnancy, the better.
Air travel
Should I avoid them? No, unless it is close to your due date or your doctor tells you that you or your baby have a medical condition that requires you to stay close to your home. Women with certain health conditions, such as high blood pressure or blood clots, a history of miscarriage, premature birth, ectopic pregnancy, or other prenatal complications, are advised not to travel by air.
In contrast, most healthy pregnant women can fly up to 4 weeks before their due date. Afterward, it is best to stay close to your residence in case labor does occur.
Note: Pregnant women are advised not to fly to areas with high altitudes, regions with disease outbreaks or in which travelers are recommended to receive certain vaccinations.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? For healthy women, there are no significant risks. However, women with complicated pregnancies, especially those involving the cardiovascular system, could have complications from air travel and should discuss their travel plans with their doctor.
What can I do about it? Talk to your doctor about planning long or long-distance travel during the last trimester of pregnancy. If your doctor gives you the go-ahead, contact the airline for their policies on flights during pregnancy. (Most airlines allow pregnant women to fly until week 37).
To ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during the flight:
Move your legs regularly or get up from the seat (especially during long flights) to promote circulation and help prevent blood clots.
Hair dyes
Should I avoid them? No.According to the ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists), since very little tincture is absorbed through the skin, it is most likely safe to use the tincture during pregnancy, even when doctors have advised otherwise in the past. Here’s great news for many pregnant women: coloring your hair can give you a “boost” of confidence when other things that happen to your body seem to be out of your control.
While very few studies have looked closely at the wide variety of hair treatments and their potential effects on the fetus, what has been corroborated to date shows that hair treatments are most likely safe. p>
What are the risks, if any, to the baby? So far there are no known risks.
What can I do about it? If you’re worried but want to get a little touch-up, try the highlights. Fewer chemicals are used in this treatment than when coloring all the hair.
High impact exercises
Should I avoid it? Yes! For most pregnant women, low-impact exercises are a great way to feel better and help prepare the body for labor. Low-impact physical exercises increase your heart rate and oxygen input, while helping to avoid sudden and shocking actions that can affect joints, bones, and muscles. Unless your doctor tells you otherwise, stick to low-impact exercises.
How Much is Enough? The United States Department of Health and Human Services recommends that healthy women who are not highly active or who are not used to vigorous activity take at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week. If you were very active or engaged in vigorous aerobic activities before pregnancy, you may be able to continue your exercise routine as long as your doctor thinks it is safe for you and your baby.
It is advisable to avoid some exercises and activities, such as the following:
- weight lifting and heavy lifting (after the first trimester)
- abdominals (also after the first trimester)
- contact sports
- scuba diving
- rebounds
- jerking (any activity that can cause a lot of up and down movements, such as horseback riding)
- jumps
- sudden changes of direction (like alpine skiing)
- any activity with an increased risk of falls, such as artistic gymnastics
What are the risks, if any, for my baby? High-impact physical exercise can put more pressure on the structures inside the uterus and this could lead to problems, such as premature delivery or bleeding.
What can I do about it? Some of the healthy ways for women to stay in shape include walking, swimming, water aerobics, yoga, and Pilates. But be sure to talk to your doctor before starting (or continuing) any exercise routine during pregnancy.
Household chemicals
Should I avoid them? Some you should avoid; others do not. The March of Dimes organization ensures that although the smell of chemicals such as ammonia or bleach can make you nauseous, they are not toxic. But other substances (such as some paints, solvents, oven cleaners, varnish removers, air fresheners, aerosols, carpet cleaners, etc.) could be toxic.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? It depends on the product. Some chemicals may have no effect, while others, in high doses, may be harmful.
What can I do about it? Here are a few tips to ensure the safe use of household chemicals during your pregnancy:
Talk to your doctor about your concerns about chemicals you use at home or at work.
Insect sprays (insecticides, pesticides and repellants)
Should I avoid them? Yes! They are considered poisons and pregnant women should stay away from them whenever possible.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? While the occasional use of insecticides in the home may not be dangerous, it is wise to exercise caution.High exposure levels can cause the following:
- spontaneous abortions
- premature births
- congenital deformations
When it comes to insect repellants (which may contain DEET or diethyltoluamide), the risks are not known for sure. Therefore, it is advisable not to use them during pregnancy or to use gloves to place a small amount on socks, shoes and clothing instead of putting repellants directly on the skin.
What can I do about it? If you have a problem with insects in your home, the March of Dimes organization suggests the following:
Use safer methods to remove them, such as boric acid, which you can probably find at a hardware store.
Should I avoid it? Yes! However, exposure to elevated levels of lead is unusual in the United States.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? Exposure to elevated levels of lead can cause the following:
- spontaneous abortions
- premature births
- low birth weight
- developmental delays
But even low levels of lead can cause subtle problems with children’s behavior and learning.
What can I do about it? If your home was built before 1978, the paint may be lead-based. But this is only a problem if the paint is chipping, chipping, or peeling it off. Some homes also have lead or copper pipes with lead solder, which allow the metal to enter tap water.
If you have an older home or think it might have lead pipes or solder and are concerned about exposure to lead, you can have a professional test your water, dust in your home, outdoor soil, and lead. paint your home for lead.
Make sure whoever removes lead-based paint from your home meets the following requirements:
- Be a trained lead-based paint removal professional (getting rid of lead-based paint is not a hobbyist job)
- remove the paint when you are not present
- do not scrape, sand or use a heat gun to remove paint (these methods can leave lead dust in the air)
- Thoroughly clean the area immediately after finishing
To help reduce potential lead levels in tap water, you can either run your water for 30 seconds before using it or purchase a water filter that specifically says it removes lead on its packaging.
Excess heat (hot baths, saunas, electric blankets, etc.)
Should I avoid or limit it? Yes. You should limit activities that raise your body temperature above 102 ° F (38.9 ° C). These activities include:
- use saunas or hot baths
- take long baths or showers with very hot water
- use electric blankets or heating pads
- let the temperature rise a lot
- getting overheated from exercising or being outside in very hot weather
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? If his body temperature exceeds 102 ° F (38.9 ° C) for more than ten minutes, excess heat It can cause problems for the fetus. Excess heat in the first trimester can lead to neural tube defects and miscarriages. Later in the pregnancy, the mother may become dehydrated.
What can I do about it? Instead of taking hot baths or saunas, dive into a pool with warm water. And it’s probably a good idea to shower or bathe in warm or slightly hot water. If you have a fever during pregnancy, talk to your doctor about ways to lower it. And listen to your body when you notice that you are overheating when exercising or enjoying the warm months outside.
But if you’ve already been exposed to excess heat during pregnancy, don’t worry too much. Most likely, you removed yourself from the upsetting situation before any harm occurred.
Should I avoid them? Maybe. While there is no evidence that self-tanners are harmful to unborn babies, not many studies have been done on their effects on the fetus.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? No specific risks associated with self-tanners have been documented.
What can I do about it? For a little color in the summer, avoid self-tanners and put bronzer-like makeup on your face, neck, shoulders, and chest. And if you decide to apply a self tanner, that’s much safer than lying in the sun and risking being overheated. As we have already seen, excess heat during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause significant problems for the baby; in later pregnancies, it can cause dehydration in the mother. Still, talk to your doctor before using a self-tanner.
Sexual relations
Should I avoid them? No. Most women with a “normal” pregnancy can continue to have sex; it is perfectly safe, both for mother and baby, even until delivery. Of course, you will probably need to make some postural changes for your comfort as your belly increases in size.
Doctors may advise against sexual intercourse if they believe there are or may be significant complications with a woman’s pregnancy. These complications include the following:
- history or threats of miscarriage
- a history of preterm labor (having delivered a baby before week 37) or signs that there are risks of preterm labor (such as premature uterine contractions)
- unexplained vaginal bleeding, discharge, or cramps
- loss of amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the baby)
- placenta previa, a condition in which the placenta (the blood-rich structure that nourishes the baby) is located so low that it covers the cervix
- cervical insufficiency, a disorder in which the cervix is weakened, dilates (opens) prematurely, increasing the risks of miscarriage or premature delivery
- multiple fetuses (pregnancy of twins, triplets, etc.)
What are the risks, if any, for my baby? You should not have sex with a partner whose sexual history you do not know or who may have a sexually transmitted disease, such as herpes, genital warts, chlamydia, or HIV. If you become infected, you can pass the disease on to your baby, and the effects could be dangerous.
What can I do about it? strong> Talk to your doctor about any discomfort she has during or after sex, and about any other concerns. p>
Drink tap water
Should I avoid it? Not necessarily. Before you go out to buy enough bottled water to last 9 months, tell your doctor where you live and if you have running water or well water.
It’s also important to note that just because your water is bottled doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safer. While bottled water (which is regulated by the FDA) may taste better or different, tap water meets the same EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) standards.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? According to the March of Dimes organization, different studies offer different results. Some have found that chlorine used to treat tap water can turn into chloroform when mixed with other materials in the water and this can increase the risk of miscarriage and fetal growth retardation. But other studies have not been able to corroborate this relationship. Other people are concerned that the water may be contaminated with elements such as lead or pesticides. If you have well water, you probably need to test it regularly, like once a year, regardless of whether you are pregnant or not.
What can I do about it? If you are concerned, contact your local water supplier for a copy of the annual water quality report. If you are still concerned or if you have well water, have the water tested at a state certified laboratory. This test can cost you anywhere from fifteen to hundreds of dollars, depending on how many contaminants you want to discard.
To put your mind at ease, you can purchase a water filter that helps reduce levels of lead, some bacteria and viruses, and chemicals, such as chlorine. Be sure to read the product label, as some filters remove more substances than others.
Tabletop jugs with filter systems or faucet-mounted filters are fairly inexpensive (some are available for less than $ 50), while systems that are used to treat the entire water supply home are much more expensive (up to thousands of dollars). You can also order refillable water coolers; they are often offered in wholesale stores.
Tooth whiteners and teeth whitening
Should I avoid them? Maybe. As with self-tanners, no serious studies have been done on tooth whiteners to prove with certainty that they are safe to use in pregnant women. And some bleach manufacturers advise against using it during pregnancy. Some dentists recommend waiting until after pregnancy to have teeth whitening, and others say the procedure is safe. The main concern is the possible effects that chemicals used in teeth whitening products would have on the fetus if the mother were to swallow them.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? There is currently no evidence that teeth whitening can harm the fetus.
What can I do about it? Talk to your doctor before using bleaching products. If you prefer to wait until after pregnancy to have pearly white teeth, simply brush them regularly with a whitening toothpaste, which may give your smile a special shine.
Should I avoid them? In many cases, yes; in others, no. Most vaccines should wait until after pregnancy, but a few are considered safe. Your doctor may tell you that you can get vaccinated if:
- chances are high that you are exposed to a particular disease or infection and the benefits of vaccination outweigh the possible risks
- an infection could put you or your baby at risk
- the vaccine is unlikely to have harmful effects
The flu vaccine meets the above criteria and is recommended by the CDC during any stage of pregnancy. But pregnant women should only receive the vaccine made with killed virus .
The flu vaccine can curb flu-related problems in pregnant women who are at increased risk for complications from the disease. And the vaccine is safe; studies show that it does not affect the fetus. It also helps protect the mother and baby from the flu (and other viruses) during the baby’s first year of life.
The DTP vaccine (against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough or pertussis) is now recommended for all pregnant women in the second half of pregnancy, regardless of whether they have already been given the vaccine or not, or when they received the last application. This new recommendation was made in response to an increase in infections with pertussis (whooping cough), which can be fatal in newborns who have not yet received their routine vaccinations.
In addition to the flu vaccine and DTP, other vaccines that the CDC considers safe during pregnancy, but only if they are truly necessary, are the following:
- hepatitis B
- meningitis
- rage
What are the risks, if any, for my baby? It is not recommended to apply live virus vaccines, which are those that contain a live organism, to pregnant women due to the risk of that the actual infection or disease that the vaccine seeks to prevent can be transmitted to the unborn baby. However, this depends on the circumstances and on whether it is ultimately safer to receive the vaccine than to be exposed to the actual disease. For example, the chickenpox vaccine may be safer for your unborn baby than getting the infection. So if you think she has been exposed to the disease, it is important to speak with her doctor. P>
However, researchers have not yet determined what the risks of some vaccines to the fetus are. Therefore, it is a good idea to wait to get vaccinated, unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
What can I do about it? Be sure to speak with your doctor before receiving any type of vaccines during pregnancy. Also, tell your doctor if you become pregnant within 4 weeks of receiving a vaccination. And if the place where she works requires certain vaccinations, be sure to let them know that she is pregnant before agreeing to be immunized. P>
Should I avoid them? Yes and no.If your doctor believes that you really need an X-ray during pregnancy (for your own well-being and that of your baby), then it is highly unlikely that the low levels of radiation from the X-rays will be harmful. However, if you can safely wait for the X-ray after the baby is born, then that may be the best option.
What are the risks, if any, to my baby? Health experts say X-rays are most likely safe during pregnancy. Most diagnostic X-rays emit much less than 5 rads, which is the FDA-suggested limit a woman can be exposed to during pregnancy.
Different radiological procedures emit different amounts of radiation, and the direction of the rays also affects the possibility of exposure to the fetus. Dental X-rays, for example, should not be too worrying because the irradiated area is too far from the uterus.
What can I do about it? Researchers believe that fetuses are more susceptible to the harmful effects of radiation due to the high speed at which their cells divide. Always make sure your healthcare providers (including dentist and radiologist) know that you are pregnant before having an X-ray. Also be sure to cover your abdomen with a lead apron.
If you are concerned about the effects and prefer not to have an X-ray during pregnancy, your doctor may be able to use an MRI during the first trimester and an ultrasound at any time during your pregnancy.
Keep everything in perspective
While some things are not safe to do during pregnancy, try not to spend too much time thinking about this and worrying. When in doubt, use common sense; If it seems like a bad idea, doesn’t need to be done right now, or is risky, wait until you’ve talked to your doctor. He can probably help her calm down and even let her know that she can do something that she never thought she could do until after giving birth. P>
Above all, be sure to follow the most important recommendations for a healthy pregnancy: eat well, get plenty of rest, stay away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. This way, you are on your way to staying healthy and keeping your baby healthy.
Hopefully you have achieved all the information related to: mulberry during pregnancy. Keep your feedback and discuss your perception and thoughts about: mulberry during pregnancy. We are always available to answer all your questions in relation to pregnancy, healthy eating and also dieting. Stay with us!