If you are pregnant and you actually are tempted by the thought: spicy food during pregnancy first trimester. You can find numerous useful information and facts on this particular topic, as well as tips, advice, thoughts, and answers to questions around maternity, proper nutrition and eating plans.
Is it harmful to eat spicy food while pregnant? Could spicy foods affect the baby?
During pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, a woman goes through a time when she may hate the foods that were previously her favorite, and vice versa. This fact falls within the normality of pregnancy, especially when nausea and vomiting are intense.
It is possible that among your favorite dishes is the spicy food and you are wondering if it is possible to take it during pregnancy.
Diet in pregnancy. Do spicy food and pregnancy combine?
To the extent of the woman’s possibilities, it is advisable to continue with the diet that she had before pregnancy, as long as it was healthy, varied and balanced strong>. If the previous diet was not entirely acceptable, modifications in carbohydrate consumption can be made. How?
– Choosing those that come from whole grains and unrefined
– Choosing those with the highest biological value, such as lean meats and eggs
– Introducing combinations of foods such as legumes and cereals, and fats
– Selecting foods with a high content of essential fatty acids, such as fish, nuts or seeds
In addition, it is convenient for women to maintain frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables , which, thanks to their vitamin and mineral content, will replace the mother’s deposits and form those of the baby. that is growing. In addition, their fiber content makes them ideal throughout pregnancy to avoid problems derived from the gastrointestinal tract.
Can you eat spicy food when pregnant?
However, what the woman should not vary is the type of food she eats. If her diet prior to her pregnancy included stews, stews and salads, it is convenient for her to continue consuming them, but what happens when the previous diet includes spicy foods? Can the pregnant woman continue to consume them?
Man is an animal of habit and the human body is no less so. Each organism is accustomed and adapted to the diet that she consumes, being perfectly healthy for the pregnant woman to consume spicy foods if she did it regularly before pregnancy. P>
Indian or Mexican food, for example, have in common their content of spicy essences , whether they are curries or chilis. This type of food stimulates the functioning of the intestinal transit, especially when they are not consumed frequently, being able to trigger small contractions especially when the moment of delivery approaches.
However, when consumption is frequent, no stimulus is observed, being perfectly safe. On the other hand, according to some studies, these ingredients contain and release capsaicins, whose release in the body is suspected to be parallel to the release of endorphins. Endorphins are natural relaxants, and have a tremendously beneficial effect for women, strong> even at the time of delivery, facilitating the natural progression of it. P>
Spicy foods do not pose any risk to the mother or the baby as long as the body is accustomed to its consumption, being safe to consume throughout the duration of pregnancy.
More advice on feeding during pregnancy in Guiainfantil.com
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