If you’re expecting a baby and you are interested in the thought: 40 day diet after pregnancy. You will see many important details on this specific topic, as well as tips, guidance, ideas, and answers in order to questions related to pregnancy, appropriate nutrition and diet plans.
The puerperium is the first six weeks postpartum, during which the woman’s body undergoes a series of changes that can cause some temporary discomfort. We tell you all the changes that your body undergoes in this period after having the baby
‘Staying in bed for a week’, this was originally the meaning of the German word wochenbet , whose Spanish equivalent is puerperium , that is, the time that the woman had to remain at rest after delivery. Currently, this term refers to the first six weeks postpartum , in which the body returns to normal. Recovery is accompanied by minor discomforts.
Why they occur
In the first days postpartum, the woman expels the remains of blood and tissues that remain inside the uterus, sometimes in the form of clots. At first they are reddish and as the days go by they become lighter, pink in color, until they turn yellowish.
They usually last four or five weeks. They have a characteristic smell, which is not unpleasant; if it were, it could indicate an infectious-inflammatory process in the birth canal and a gynecologist should be consulted.
How to relieve them
It is important to take care of intimate hygiene and wash the spots with water and antiseptic soap, if any. It is advisable to use cotton pads (tampons can promote infection) and change them often.
Hemorrhoids and constipation
Why they occur
Hemorrhoids are small dilations of the veins around the anus. Many women already suffer from them during pregnancy (due to the pressure exerted by the fetus on the area) and they worsen with childbirth due to the efforts made during delivery. In the puerperium they can be aggravated by another problem of this stage, constipation, since it takes time for the intestine to return to its usual rhythm.
How to relieve them
Exercise (just walking or walking), drinking plenty of water and following a diet rich in fiber help to reestablish the intestinal rhythm. Spicy and fatty foods should be avoided. To relieve hemorrhoids, you can wash the area with cold water and apply a specific ointment, being careful not to touch the episiotomy area.
Why it occurs
Obviously because the baby wakes us up every two or three hours to eat. But, in addition, after delivery there is a sudden drop in progesterone (a hormone that acts on the neuronal receptors involved in the sleep cycle).
How to relieve it
You should always sleep in bed (even a nap), rest when the baby does, and avoid caffeine consumption to clear yourself.
Hair loss
Why it occurs
During pregnancy, the increase in estrogens stimulates hair growth. In the postpartum period, the hair cycle normalizes and all hair that had not fallen out during pregnancy is lost, giving a sensation of little volume and capillary poverty.
How to relieve it
Hair is strengthened with a diet rich in minerals and vitamins. If the amount of hair loss is alarming, an anti-hair loss product can be used.
Tiredness and fatigue
Why it occurs
The arrival of the baby disrupts the home routine and multiplies the work by two. Added to this is the physical fatigue of childbirth, hormonal changes and the possible presence of anemia (which makes the mother weaker).
How to relieve them
Asking for help, involving the father and asking for the understanding of family and friends (attending visits can be exhausting). Somehow, you have to force yourself to take time for yourself.
Chest discomfort
Why do they occur
Rising milk can cause pain and tightness in the breasts . If the discomfort does not subside, it is advisable to review the position in which you are breastfeeding with a lactation expert. If the child does not nurse well, the breast does not empty properly and becomes engorged (breast engorgement).
The accumulation of milk can lead to mastitis (inflammation, with or without infection, of the fat of the breast tissue and glandular tissue). It usually affects only one breast and causes severe pain and even fever and malaise.
How to relieve them
It is essential to completely empty the chest. If the child does not, a breast pump can be used. The engorgement subsides with moist heat (hot packs on the chest) and massages. It is important to wear a well-fitting bra (from before pregnancy).
mastitis is treated with antibiotics (prescribed by the gynecologist after examining the woman).
An inexplicable sadness
Why it occurs
It is normal to feel sadness, insecurity and uncertainty in the face of the changes that are coming. This low mood is temporary, as it appears, it goes away. We speak of postpartum depression when this state persists for a long time or is aggravated by feelings of guilt, phobias.
How to relieve it
Asking for help and trying not to be overwhelmed or feel guilty.
The size and weight of the uterus
- At the end of pregnancy, the uterus is about as big as a soccer ball and reaches up to the ribs.
- It is not until after the quarantine (6 weeks) that it regains its pre-pregnancy size.
- Within hours of delivery, she weighs 1 kilo. 14 days later his weight is 300 grams.
- At six weeks it is as small as a pear (about 50 g).
- It is advisable to wait 40 days to resume sexual intercourse.
- Abstinence is even more justified if there are scars on the perineum from an episiotomy or tears in childbirth : intercourse could delay healing and even lead to infections.
- Before resuming intercourse, the midwife should examine the pelvic floor.
Increased sweating
Why it occurs
During the puerperium, transient episodes of sweating or hot flashes may occur. They are specific and sudden-onset situations, related to postpartum hormonal imbalances and also to temperature changes that occur during lactation (milk production can increase the sensation of heat).
How to relieve it
Avoiding overloaded environments and, above all, increasing body hygiene.
Advisors: Dr. Miguel Ángel Herráiz, head of Obstetrics at the Hospital Clínico de Madrid; Dr. Jackie Calleja, deputy physician of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Service of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, Madrid.
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