When you are expecting and you have an interest in the thought: after pregnancy diet. You can find many important material on this topic, as well as tips, assistance, opinions, and answers to help questions related to pregnancy, appropriate nutrition and eating plans.

Written and verified by nutritionist Saúl Sánchez Arias on April 16, 2020.

after pregnancy diet Last update: April 16, 2020

Many women suffer from having lost their figure during pregnancy and cannot wait to start working to regain it. It is then that questions about deadlines arise; Let’s find out when it is appropriate to resume the diet after giving birth.

After nine months of special eating habits, mothers often wonder what they should eat after childbirth. There may be two motivations for this: wanting to start a regimen to lose the kilos gained or, by the Otherwise, return to the diet you had before, which may or may not have been healthy.

However, the bad news for them is that during the first six months after delivery there are also specific nutritional needs. We will describe them below.

The diet after childbirth

after pregnancy diet guide The mother’s feeding in the months after the birth of her baby has some essential requirements. The most important are:

Calcium intake

By breastfeeding, women lose significant amounts of this mineral. Therefore, she must compensate for this deficit through the food she eats. Dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and certain vegetables can help. In addition, vitamin D facilitates the absorption of it.

Incorporation of iron

Another mineral that may be lacking. The baby takes iron from the mother’s blood during her growth in the womb. For this reason, it is essential that the mother incorporates it through certain foods. The contribution of this substance helps prevent anemia processes, according to a study published in 2017.

Iron can be found in red meat, fruits, cereals and legumes. It must be accompanied by the consumption of vitamin C, which favors its absorption.

Adequate hydration

At a stage in which the body is largely dedicated to producing milk to breastfeed the baby, it is necessary to provide it with fluids to replace these expenses. Water and natural juices are essential low in sugar and herbal waters.

In the same way, the consumption of fruits and vegetables will contribute in this regard. In addition, these are very important because they provide a large amount of essential vitamins and minerals for the body of the mother and the baby . An example is the B vitamins, essential for cognitive development, according to a study published in the journal “Neurological Sciences”.

When to start the diet after giving birth?

As you may have noticed, the diet after giving birth should consider both the needs of the new mother and those of the baby.

Therefore, it is advisable to follow the diet recommended by the professionals in charge of the care of both; in this way you will ensure that nothing is missing.

If what you are looking for is to lose the extra kilos that the pregnancy left behind, there is nothing to prevent it. Simply, it must be borne in mind that the essential nutrients that we name here cannot be lacking .

The diet after giving birth should start approximately from the second month. If you start earlier, the caloric deficit could slow down the body’s recovery after all the effort made. The mother, meanwhile, would feel a lack of energy and discomfort.

In addition, it is now a good time for the mother to start doing physical activity; this will be the essential complement for a gradual, healthy and bearable weight loss. Although at the beginning it will be necessary to regulate the demands, with the passage of time her body will respond better and she will be able to regain the shape that she had before.

“The diet after giving birth should take into account the needs of both the new mother and the baby. It should start around the second month. ”

Foods to avoid

If, on the other hand, the mother’s only intention is to go back to eating certain foods that she liked but were not recommended for pregnancy, there are some limitations.

For example, it is necessary to avoid those foods that contain trans fats, refined flours and sugar. If consumed, it must be under medical approval and always in moderation.

Likewise, it is advisable not to ingest alcoholic beverages, since they will pass to the baby through milk. In the same way, it is not advisable to exceed the amount of meals, since the digestive system he is still somewhat vulnerable and this could go wrong.

Food in the postpartum diet

As a final recommendation, we must point out that it is better to eat every 3 hours for the same reason mentioned before; the digestive system is still recovering its normal functions. If there is any medicine that the woman needs, she should consult with the doctor to combine it with the right foods and not cause digestive discomfort.

The diet after giving birth is something possible and highly recommended, since it will help a woman’s well-being and self-esteem. However, the nutritional requirements that are still present at this stage should never be neglected. It is recommended to carry out a varied and balanced diet from the point of energy life, which is capable of meeting the needs of the mother.

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Stephany Bennett

Dr. Stephany Bennett is a registered nutritionist with an MD from the University of Pittsburgh. She uses her research background to provide evidence-based advice on diet for pregnant women. She is a firm believer that nutritional science is an ever-changing field, so her pregnancy diet recommendations combine classic methods with the latest findings.

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